The Spanish Factory Zytech is the first European company to achieve this certificate Zytech LED gets the DLC certification in US for its most innovative LED tubes The LEDS tubes made by the Spanish Company Zytech LED have obtained the DLC Certification in US. This achievement suppose for the Spanish manufacturer to be the first […]
By 2017, the streets of New York will be bathed in a clear, white semiconductor glow, Mayor Mike Bloomberg recently announced. The city plans to replace 250,000 high-pressure sodium streetlights with LEDs. Bloomberg called the move a “no-brainer.” New York’s streetlights currently produce a baleful orange glow by electrocuting vaporized sodium atoms. Sodium bulbs have […]
Guest post written by Chuck Swoboda Chuck Swoboda is CEO of Cree, which makes LEDs and LED lighting products. President Obama set what he considers an ambitious goal for reduced energy consumption during his State of the Union address Tuesday night: “Let’s cut in half the energy wasted by our homes and businesses over the […]